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Arisia 2025 will be at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, January 17-20, 2025.

This website is in the process of migrating from Arisia 2024 to Arisia 2025.

Creators' Corner FAQ

Q: Why the name "Creators' Corner" instead of "Artist Alley"?

We have chosen this name in order to express that all types of creators are included, and not just artists and authors. We have had a large number of different types of creators, and hope to keep this rich tradition going!

Q: Do I need a Massachusetts State Tax ID?

A: Yes. A Tax ID is not necessary to apply for the Creators' Corner, but you will need to have one at the time of the con. If you do not have a Tax ID at the convention, you will not be able to sell any of your items.

Q: Do I need to buy a membership even if I never leave the table?

A: Yes. Everyone at Arisia is required to have a membership. 

Q: When does Creators’ Corner registration close?

A: It will be closing on Wednesday, December 20th.

Q: When will I be notified of my application acceptance?

A: As stated above, registration for the Corner will be closing December 20th. To allow time for a thorough look at the selection, the status of your application will be sent to you via email by December 24th.

Q: How do I pay?

A: If you are accepted into the Corner, you will receive (with your acceptance) information regarding the payment methods available.

Q: Can I get a refund?

A: You may. However, if you are aware that you will not be able to make it prior to the con, please inform Click here to show mail address, so that they may contact someone else to take your place.

Q: If I have been rejected, is there any way I can still make it into the Corner?

A: Yes. If someone is unable to attend the con, there is the possibility that you may be asked to fill in for them.

Q: Can I have a friend or partner at my table with me?

A: Yes. Business partners, friends, or whomever else are allowed to be behind the table with you, or cover for you during breaks. Just be aware that multiple people can become a safety hazard, so it’s best to keep the number low. Also, each person behind the table must have their own badge and be registered for the day(s) they are there.

Q: When can I set my stuff up?

A: The Corner will be open to participants one hour before it is open to the public. If you believe you require more time, contact us at Click here to show mail address.

Q: Will I need to pack up all my things each night?

A: Yes.  You can leave flyers for your business at night.

Q: Are there any restrictions on what I can sell?

A: Only a few. All sorts of creations are welcomed and encouraged. The only thing we ask is that you keep all 18+ creations covered unless shown an ID. If you wish to sell only NSFW artwork/items, there is an 18+ area of the Dealers Room that may be better suited to you. If you are unsure if what you are selling is appropriate, reach out to Click here to show mail address