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Arisia 2025 will be at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, January 17-20, 2025.

This website is in the process of migrating from Arisia 2024 to Arisia 2025.

Discord Volunteer Opportunities

Want to do any of these jobs? Fill out this form! Or give us an email at Click here to show mail address


Overview: Moderators (“mods”) are the technical enablers and watchers, the “adult in the room.” Responsibilities: foster a welcoming community environment by starting and contributing to conversations and reacting to posts, monitor channels to watch for behavior that needs escalation, create channels. May serve concurrently as a de-escalator.
Age Requirements: 18+
Technical knowledge needed: delete posts, assign roles, and place reactions on posts on the Discord server, fluent typist
Other skills needed: friendly and helpful demeanor, escalate behavior as needed according to provided guidelines will be provided
Time Commitment: 4 hour shift (at least one during the con)
Gets volunteer hours: shifted work (up to one 4 hour shift per day)


Overview: De-escalators are people trained in conflict resolution and familiar with the event’s response policy and procedures. May serve concurrently as a moderator.
Responsibilities: Follow the event’s procedures for correcting inappropriate behavior on the Discord server
Age requirement: 18+
Technical knowledge needed: send Direct Messages on Discord
Other skills needed: trained in de-escalation and other non-violent conflict resolution, comfortable talking to people about their behavior, familiar with the Code of Conduct
Time Commitment: 4 hour shift (at least one during the con)
Gets volunteer hours: shifted work (up to one 4 hour shift per day)

Help Desk

Overview: Helpful people who answer all types of questions using provided guidelines and escalating as needed.
Responsibilities: read the guideline document in advance if possible, monitor the #info-and-help-desk channel on the Discord server for questions, answer the questions, escalate questions to others as needed.
Age Requirement: 13+
Technical knowledge needed: familiarity with Discord terms (channel, role, server etc), fluent typist, ability to look up information in a document
Other skills needed: friendly and helpful, patient and polite, good follow-through
Time Commitment: 2 hour shift
Gets volunteer hours: shifted work (up to two 2 hour shifts per day)

Minecraft Moderator

Overview: Help keep the Minecraft server a welcoming place.
Responsibilities: monitor the #minecraft-chat channel on Discord and answer any questions posted there, assist Minecraft players, prevent griefing
Age Requirement: 13+
Technical knowledge needed: basic familiarity with Minecraft
Other skills needed: Must own a copy of Minecraft Java edition 1.18.1 and have a computer available to play it on during your shift. (These will not be provided by ACOG22.) Ability to act friendly and helpful, patient and polite
Time Commitment: 1 hour shift
Gets volunteer hours: shifted work (up to four 1 hour shifts per day)

Other Staff

Overview: A more formalized attendee with a specific role in a specific area of the Discord server, with early access on Thursday, January 13. More information forthcoming as we get closer. If you have a specific skill set you would like to contribute, please email us at
Age Requirement: 13+
Technical knowledge needed: Ability to sign on to the Discord server
Other skills needed: determined by role
Time commitment: determined by role
Gets volunteer hours: role dependent.