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Arisia 2025 will be at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, January 17-20, 2025.

Turtle Track - Where Arisia Participants are Born!

COVID Policies: While we recommend that children in Turtle Track make their best effort to wear masks and follow our convention-wide COVID policies, we recognize that this is sometimes difficult with younger children. Our professional childcare team will be wearing masks at all times when in convention spaces, including in Turtle Track. You can see our convention-wide COVID policies here.

By advance sign-up, Arisia provides professionally supervised childcare for those too young to enjoy the convention on their own (18 months to 5 years old). All children using this service must have full $75 weekend Turtle Track memberships to the convention; there is no additional fee.

Space is limited; we are requesting families register their children no later than December 20th.

The Turtle Track staff will offer opportunities for arts and craft projects and we will have age-appropriate toys for all of the children.

Parents and caregivers can bring small nut-free snacks for their children; Arisia will not provide snacks. Turtle Track closes for lunch and dinner; it is up to the parents to provide their children with meals.

The staff will do their best to ensure that your children have an enjoyable experience. Sometimes children behave differently in a new environment. The staff reserves the right to ask parents to pick up their children early if the child is uncomfortable. The staff will also do their best to distract and prevent any child from negative behavior. The staff does reserve the right to ask that an unruly child not be brought back to Turtle Track.

Turtle Track is the very first stop in a life-long relationship with Arisia. What can you and your child expect? Read on for answers to basic questions and we'll see you on the Turtle Track!

How do I get my child into Turtle Track?

Turtle Track is only available through advance registration. We staff based on pre-registered Turtles and cannot add any more at the convention. Children must be registered for Arisia - see our Registration page for details. There is no additional fee for Turtle Track beyond the registration cost. After December 20th we cannot guarantee that Turtle Track spots will still be available.

Who staffs Turtle Track?

Every shift is staffed by paid professional childcare providers, and ratios of child to staff are designed to follow state mandates, which means there won't be more than 5 kids to any staff member.

Can I stay with my child?

Parents are always welcome in Turtle Track. You are not required to leave your child nor are you committed to have your child with us every moment we're open. You set the pace for how much or little time your child spends with us - no one knows your Little One better!

What happens at Turtle Track?

Turtle Track is part of Arisia, giving parents the ability to explore other parts of the con without having a small one in tow at all times! There is a daily schedule of events with everything from Arts & Crafts to Yoga and Story Time. We are aware that our young con-goers (Turtles) have short attention spans and have created the schedule to avoid overwhelming them. A Quiet Room is also always staffed and available. Further, there are usually two events taking place at a time so a Turtle can opt for either one.

What happens if my toddler is cranky, sick, or sad?

The policies for Turtle Track are handed out to caregivers when they bring in a Turtle Track attendee for the very first time. Every childcare session will include a Quiet Room. This room will be used for children who need to relax in a mellower environment, children who miss parents and caregivers, children who are interacting with difficulty, or children who are not feeling well. Please be aware, in the case of prolonged crying, illness, or violence toward staff or children, parents and caregivers will be contacted and expected to pick up their children promptly.Does my toddler get fed at all?We have formal Snack Time but we certainly wouldn't starve a hungry Turtle; they get snappy when they're hungry! Parents and caregivers must provide nut-free snacks to eat during this time, and may wish to leave some extra with our staff in case the Turtle gets hungry again.

Turtle Track is a nut-free zone to ensure the safety and health of our future fen.

Besides the schedule of events, what else can I expect for my child?

We have toys for our Turtles, too, so they can take advantage of our "free play" times: blocks, trucks, dolls, tea sets, dinosaurs and animals and such.What about security? I don't want my child being given to just anyone!When you first arrive at Turtle Track, you will be asked to fill out a detailed registration form. Please make sure all questions are answered; this allows us to provide the best possible service. There is a line to enter a password. A password (like "melon" or "pigfoot") allows the caregiver to send someone for pick up who might not be on the initial authorized pick up person list, in case of emergency or convenience.

What if there's an emergency?

There are members of the Turtle Track staff that are CPR trained but parents and emergency services will be called instantly in any situation more serious than a little trip or bump. In the case of an evacuation emergency, all children will be bundled in warm attire (please bring coats to Turtle Track) and brought via the stairs to a location across the street. All other pick up protocols will be in place, e.g. checking IDs, asking for passwords.

If you have any questions, please contact Click here to show mail address.