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Arisia 2025 will be at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, January 17-20, 2025.

Things to Do

Panels, Workshops, and more

Arisia’s schedule includes hundreds of happenings featuring our panel participants, workshop organizers, and event coordinators. The schedule page will be live-updating once the program is determined and will let you search for happenings by title or location.

If you enter or leave a panel or workshop while it is in progress please try to do so quietly.


Costuming at Arisia happens any time our attendees choose to show off their handiwork. You find costumers and cosplayers in the hallways and rooms throughout the con. Please be respectful of these costumes and do not touch without permission.

Sunday night features our Masquerade, a staged presentation in the ballroom showing off costumers from the newest enthusiastic kids to award-winning professionals. If you want to attend the Masquerade, please be patient with the line. We’ll do our best to get everyone seated and comfortable.

Music, Dance, and Theater

Music, dance, and theater events take many forms at Arisia. These range from the minstrels you will see performing in the open spaces of the convention to DJ'ed dances Friday and Saturday nights that go into the wee hours. Theatrical performances include live skits and shows, radio dramas, and more.

The music track within programming deliberately blurs the line between participation and performance, including such things as open mic, sing-alongs, filk, and song competitions. Check the descriptions in the schedule to find out what’s happening.

Classes and Weapons Demos

Classes at Arisia teach everything from yoga techniques to the right ways to put the pointy end into the other fellow. Classes are generally on the participatory side and demos tend more toward show-and-tell, though they may offer some hands-on opportunities too.

Although most of the classes and demos are open to younger attendees, we ask that children who are not old enough to be free ranging stay with their adults for these happenings.

Charitable Causes

Arisia's "helping hands" connect attendees with opportunities to do good within our fannish, local, and national communities. Arisia hosts blood drives, with traveling bloodmobiles. We may have other opportunities planned as we get closer to the convention, so stay tuned.

These causes depend on your participation to be successful. Check out the details for how you can get involved.


Arisia’s publications are produced before and at the convention. They include a pocket program for quick portable reference to the schedule, a souvenir book that features art and information about each year’s convention, and special references such as the family-friendly guide. At the convention the Clear Ether newsletter posts daily updates and reports on happenings such as masquerade awards.

You can sign up any time to get Progress Reports that will let you know when important convention-related dates are approaching.