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Volunteers Wanted

If you don't see a position you like, you can use the form on the left to let us know what skills you have and what sort of positions you might be interested in

Also, check the Org Chart — a position without a name might be open. If you fill out a volunteer form, we'll try to find a position for you.

Featured Volunteer Jobs

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    RESPONSIBILITIES: Drive 24-26'' size box trucks around the city and on highways (~30 miles).  At least 5 years driving experience preferred.

    21+, Post-con, Pre-con, Seated, Truck driving

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    Due to the time commitment and responsibilities, the IRT Lead may not have any other significant at-con responsibility at Arisia. "Significant" here means any responsibility that will limit the amount
    Managing staff Public-facing Post-con Pre-con Sensitive information handling Web skills At-con
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    Hotel Liaisons solve problems that the convention has with the hotel during the convention.
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    We are looking for people to help keep an eye on the Dealers Room during the convention and during move-in and move-out
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    The Innkeeper team manages the sleeping rooms at the various hotels where Arisia has signed a contract. We manage all the special requests and reservation changes for attendees.

    At-con, Data entry, Public-facing, Sensitive information handling, Training provided

Help Wanted

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Video Game Room Monitors

Video Game Room Monitors are responsible for tracking the games signed out from the video games library, checking them out and making sure that they are returned complete and undamaged when attendees are done playing. They should be able to direct people in the game room to games in play (pre-scheduled and/or spontaneous) and game moderators to their assigned tables.



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Wayfinding Area Head

This is a con setup and pre-con job.
We are looking for someone to decide what signs we need to direct people around the convention, to order those signs, and hang them up (or find someone to do this) on Friday afternoon or Thursday evening. This person may need to check and replace signs at the convention.

