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Arisia 2025 will be at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, January 17-20, 2025.

This website is in the process of migrating from Arisia 2024 to Arisia 2025.

Volunteers Wanted

If you don't see a position you like, you can use the form on the left to let us know what skills you have and what sort of positions you might be interested in

Also, check the Org Chart — a position without a name might be open. If you fill out a volunteer form, we'll try to find a position for you.

Featured Volunteer Jobs

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    RESPONSIBILITIES: Drive 24-26'' size box trucks around the city and on highways (~30 miles).  At least 5 years driving experience preferred.

    21+, Post-con, Pre-con, Seated, Truck driving

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    Due to the time commitment and responsibilities, the IRT Lead may not have any other significant at-con responsibility at Arisia. "Significant" here means any responsibility that will limit the amount
    Managing staff Public-facing Post-con Pre-con Sensitive information handling Web skills At-con
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    We are looking for people to help keep an eye on the Dealers Room during the convention and during move-in and move-out
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    The Innkeeper team manages the sleeping rooms at the various hotels where Arisia has signed a contract. We manage all the special requests and reservation changes for attendees.

    At-con, Data entry, Public-facing, Sensitive information handling, Training provided

Help Wanted

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Access Staff

These volunteers will help the Access Services Coordinator with access needs at con. The will put up access signs, mark access "parking spaces" in function rooms, and various access-related tasks as needed.



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Anime/Video Room Area Head

Have you ever wanted to share your favorite SF and Anime movies and TV shows with 1,500 of your closest friends?

Arisia is looking for someone to manage the Anime and Video Room.




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Anime/Video Room Hosts

Get volunteer hours for watching Anime and Videos! Looking for people to take shifts in the Anime/Video Room to keep an eye on the room and start videos according to the schedule.

Shifts will be roughly 2-3 hours (depends upon the schedule). Multiple shifts available from morning to late at night.



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Assistant Dealers Liaison

- Assist the Dealers Liaisons with attending to dealer questions and concerns and various dealers-related tasks as neeeded.

Must be available for set-up, teardown, and Dealers Room hours. 



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At-Con Innkeepers

The Innkeeper team manages the sleeping rooms at the various hotels where Arisia has signed a contract. We manage all the special requests and reservation changes for attendees. There is a strong customer focus on our team; this is a great place for being able to make connections directly with members and having a positive face on the convention.



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Audio Engineer

Arisia Tech is seeking an audio engineer to design, install, and supervise the sound system for our main stage. Assistance can be provided. Design is pre-con.

This a pre-con and at-con job role.
Setup/Teardown hours for this position are:



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Coat Check Room Managers

Coordinating room setup including making sure supplies are available
Coordinating work shifts for Coat Check staff
Opening and/or closing Coat Check or delegating open/close duties to Coat Check staff.
Interacting with staff, volunteers, and attendees in a polite and professional manner



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Coat Check Room Staff

Coordinating intake and outtake of coats and bags for attendees
Keeping Coat Check room organized
Interacting with staff, volunteers, and attendees in a polite and professional manner.

If interested in this position, click Apply or fill out the volunteer form.



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Con Suite Staff

Responsibilities: Working together with a team to stock the Con Suite, keep the area clean, and provide friendly assistance to attendees as needed.  Note that, while the Con Suite is an unmasked area, you will be provided with PPE as needed. Early morning (7am) and late shifts available.



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Cosplay Repair Station Staff

Do you like to sew, fasten, tape, and help fix people's costumes? Then Cosplay Repair Station is the place for you.

